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You can do it!

28 Jun

Yes, you! You can definitely do it. I know you have been hurt, bruised and burnt but trust me, u aren’t broken yet. Not so easily, my friend. So what if they have taken away your wings? They can’t stop you from flying. You don’t need wings to soar, do you? I believe your spirit is enough to fly high. Just don’t lose hope. Never be afraid of voicing your opinion. Never surrender. Pledge to fight till your last breath. Believe in yourself and believe in miracles. They do happen, sooner or later. Have faith in your fate and trust the power of prayer and perseverance. Accept your mistakes and learn from them. Stop trying to please others. Stop expecting from people. Learn to give and expect nothing in return. Learn to forgive. I know forgetting is not easy but never let your past negatively influence your present and future. Learn to move on. Focus on being interested than being interesting. Its easier to get what you want but very difficult to continue wanting what you get. Accept reality with an open heart and mind. Instead of looking for opportunities, create them. Never regret. Whatever happens, happens for the best. Value yourself so that you become invaluable to others. Take risks and be ready to face challenges. Do what you enjoy so that you finally enjoy what you do. Be passionate about something. Fall in love. Spread joy among others but start from yourself. Never let anyone degrade you or limit you.ย  Stay away from people who belittle you. Those laughing at you today will be the first ones to applaud on your success. Just keep going. With all its craziness and mess, happiness and pain, success and defeat, life is indeed beautiful. They never promised it to be easy. They just said it would be worth living. So stop worrying and start living…RIGHT NOW! ๐Ÿ™‚

Tips for greater security at social networking websites

28 Jun

A lot of our youngsters are nowadays actively engaged in social networking and online chatting. These websites, undoubtedly, provide ample opportunities to socialize without leaving the comforts of your home. However, security is one of the major concerns when it comes to making friends online. We keep hearing about incidents where users are subjected to security issues either because of the inefficient privacy policy of the social networking companies, user negligence or both. Now the question arises: How can we protect ourselves while having friendly conversations online? Here are a few tips which will help you stay secure online.

1. Never give your personal details like contact information, employment or residential address etc to your online friendsย ย  unless you know them personally.

2. Avoid meeting the Ian Somerhalder/ Mila Kunis (two of the most popular choices for a display picture) you’ve met recently online. If unavoidable, make sure the meeting place is crowded such as a restaurant, shopping mall or cafe. Don’t forget to take someone with you.

3. Never trust your online friends 100%. Chances are that they are lying about themselves. And they might not be as good looking as their display picture!

4. Never never never give your CNIC number, bank account information, credit card details or any such details online. I’m sure your ‘new’ friend ain’t going to transfer money to your account, right? So why take the risk? ๐Ÿ™‚

5. Be prepared for disappointments. Don’t expect too much. Your supposedly-best-online-buddy might be fake!

I hope these tips will make your already enjoyable online socializing experience much secure. Don’t forget to add your tips to the list and I’d love to hear your online experiences. Till then, happy chatting! ๐Ÿ™‚

Top 5 thriller movies to watch this weekend

28 Jun

Top 5 thriller movies to watch this weekend:

1. The Call (2013)


2. Side Effects (2013)


3. Now You See Me (2013)

4. Would You Rather (2012)would
5. The Purge (2013)purge

Don’t forget to drop your comments about these movies. Have a nice weekend! ๐Ÿ™‚